****Mokelumne River at the mouth of Georgiana
Slough and Mokelumne River. Light 41. Direction to Mokelumne River: From Bob's Bait Shop, driving along highway 160 towards
Isleton Bridge, before you get to Isleton Bridge, turn right at Tyler Island Road, cross small swing birdge then turn right.
Keep continue driving until you see the highway 12 bridge in your right hand side and the Mokolumne River in front of you.
Park your car and fish.
****Three Miles Slough.
****Isleton Bridge.
****Steam Boat Slough
3. Catfish:
****Georgiana Slough. Clam
is the best bait for catfish. Anchovy is an alternative one. When using live clam, the small size of hook should be used.
Just one clamp is enough to cover the hook. Just wait for the bite and set the hook. Evening is the best time. You can get
10 to 20 lbs easily.
*****Note: For channel Catfish, Crawdad tail meat is the best bait. Using this
bait, you will have more change to get very good size of channel catfish.
****Mokelumne River. Its
right at the mouth of Georgiana Slough and Mokelumne River. The technique and bait is same as at Georgiana Slough.
4. American Shad: Starting from the end of March through the end of July, Armerican Shad run
up stream to hatch. Fishermen can start fishing American Shad from the end of March now below Freeport Bridge and above New
Hope Landing. In late June, shad can run up to Nimbus Damp, American River if you drive along highway 50 from Bay Area, just
pass Sacramento about 12 to 15 miles. Shad may be found at Thermalito After Bay Damp in Oroville in late June or just below
Red Bluff Damp on Sacramento River. In Red Bluff Damp and Thermalito After Bay Damp, shad dart, crappie jig with the round
red hook and green rubber worm are working better. Fish bite throughout the day; but most productive time is normally early
in the morning or late afternoon. If you prefer fly-fishing, Nimbus Damp on the other side of the river, you can walk far
from the bank to fish. This is a paid fee park. Remember at Nimbus Damp, the set up is different due to very low and fast
current water. The float is used to slow the jig down from fast current and it also helps to avoid snagged. From the
float to the 3/4 ounces weight is about 3 feet, and from 3/4 ounces weighted to the jig is about 1-1/2 to 2 feet.
Shad jigs with white/red
and white/green colors are most preferred. Fish can weight from one to four pounds.
From the bank: Slider egg sinker 1/2 to 3/4 ounces slides in the line. Tie the
end with snap swivel. The leader is about 4 to 5 feet long with one end tie the jig and another end tie as a loop then cross
it to snap swivel. Try to prepare two to three leaders with different colors of jig. From the bank, casting the lure up stream
as far as you can and reeling it in slowly. When feeling snatching like, set your hook and start fighting. This is very good
fighting fish.
From the boat. Set up is different. Weight at the bottom 1 to 1-1/2 ounces then two leaders
with two jigs separated each other about 3 feet. The length of the leader is about 2 to 3 feet. Cast your jigs out and reeling
slowly. Try a different deep until you cacth the fish. Remember to mark your fishing deep since you may spot a school of shad.
You may catch one after another.
5. Crappie: Mostly found at the areas where dead trees are in the water. Seven Miles Slough, Three
Miles Slough, and Georgiana Slough are the good area for crappie.
You can either use medium
size minnow or jig head to catch crappie. Of course, night crawler is still work but it's not good as medium minnow.
6. Large/Small/Black Bass:
7. Salmon: Salmons are running at peak level now. It's normally very
good salmon run during the month of October and the second week of October is mostly very good. While trolling along the Old
Sacramento river, four places that the salmons were caught most are Vieira Resort, Long Island, Isleton Boat Ramp, and Isleton
Salmon Trolling Techniques
Wiggle Wart.
The best test line to use for trolling Wiggle Wart is from 15 lb. to 20 lb. Remember to check your reel drag all time.
· Tie
fishing line to Duolock Snap swivel and then snap the Wiggle Wart lure to it.
· The
Duolock snap helps to change to a different color of Wiggle Wart lure easier.
· Boat
speed should be from 0.8 to 1.2 mph.
· Always
check your lure when dropping it next to your boat and see how the lure diving before release your fishing line to the range
from 80 to 120 feet away from your boat.
· In
the morning, try to release your fishing line about 70 to 80 feet away from your boat. Doing this would let your lure diving
just about 5 to 8 feet from the top.
· During
the day, release the fishing line up to 120 feet to let the lure diving close to the bottom of the river (5 feet above the
bottom of the river is best).
· Try
to troll along the edge of the deep channel of the river. Salmon tend to swim along that path.
· Always
carry the big landing net that big enough to hold the big fish. The hoop size 28”x30” with the handle is about
54” is good enough.
· Be
relax and confident to fight for the fish. Don’t hurry to land the fish when they are still strong to fight for their
lives. And remember to keep your fishing line always tensed.
Spinners-Silvertron, Blue Fox, Home made spinner either single or double blades.
· Fishing
test line can be from 17 lb. to 30 lb.
Be sure to set your reel drag right.
· Sinker
should be used to bring the lure down to certain depth level depending on what’s time of the day. Sinker weight can
be from 3/8 oz up to 3 oz.
· For
3/8 oz and ½ oz sinker, the rubble split sinker can be used to clip it to the fishing line with a distance is about 4 to 5
feet from the spinner.
· For 1 oz sinker
or heavier, 3-way ring swivel, spreader, or banana sinker can be used.
. Speed of your boat is about 1 to 1.5 MPH(GPS).
. While your boat is running at the speed above, let your lure out until the sinker
taps the river bottom then bring it back by reeling about 5 to 7 turns.
. In Isleton, starting from the mouth of Old Sacramento River up to Ryde Hotel along
the deepest channel. Your deepfinder will be very helpful to find the deep channel.